Volunteer Opportunities
Are you looking for a way to make a difference or wish to get more involved? Marshall area non-profits offer many volunteer opportunities available year-round! Find out more about these opportunities by clicking on the links below.
Need Assistance Fulfilling Community Service Hours?
The Marshall Area Chamber of Commerce can help! We will connect you with volunteer opportunities when they are available.
Examples of Opportunities:
Cleaning Up Main Street
Putting Up or Taking Down Christmas Lights
Helping Before or After an Event

Advance Opportunities
Focused on maximizing the abilities of individuals with disabilities. We have many opportunities for volunteers!
Adopt-a-Park Program
Maintain the quality of Marshall's parks by keeping them free of litter & reporting vandalism or safety hazards.
Adult Community Center
Various volunteer opportunities such as speaking, decorating, building improvements, & bingo calling.
American Red Cross: Blood Drives
Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Find a blood drive happening near you today & sign up for a spot!
Birthright of Marshall
Volunteers to offer support for women who are pregnant/think they're pregnant. Full training & mentorship.
Friends of Camden State Park
Help support & sponsor activities & projects at the park by becoming a member. Learn more by contacting us today.
Friends of the Library
Serve as an officer, help with the Book Store & book sales, help at programs held at the library, write newsletters & more.
Habitat for Humanity
Opportunities available for construction, ReStore, administrative needs & serving on a committee.
Hope Harbor:
Marshall Location
Volunteer for classroom help, facility work, fundraising & event help, resident activities, preparing meals & more.
Work alongside students, share your experiences & explore engaging content. We train & provide all materials to volunteers.
Kitchen Table Food Shelf: Marshall
We always need a helping hand with stocking shelves, helping out customers, organizing food drives & more.
Literacy Volunteers of SW Minnesota
Tutors are our greatest need! We will train literacy tutors to work with people of all ages & provide ongoing support.
Lyon County Museum
Get involved with the Lyon County Historical Society Museum by volunteering your time with us! Contact us today.
Lyon County Pheasants Forever
We have opportunities to improve local habitat and work with youth in the outdoors. Contact us to learn more!
Lyon County Heart to Heart
Start your own fundraising campaign or promotion, collect food items, gifts or funds or sign up to volunteer!
Marshall Area Fine Arts Council
Volunteers are the soul of our organization. Sign up to volunteer at the gift shop or help with events we sponsor!
Marshall Area
Help the YMCA raise funds, coach our sports teams, teach classes, or lead on our Board of Directors or committees.
Marshall Food4Kids
Assist with packing bags, fundraise, deliver bags, help with organizational tasks, assist with grant writing & more.
Marshall Hoops Club
The Marshall Hoops Club is proud to offer a great opportunity to work with kids teaching the skills of basketball!
Marshall-Lyon County Library
The library in partnership with United Way is looking for volunteers to read to children at daycares!
Meals on Wheels
We provide hot, nutritious meals paired with a friendly visit and safety check for Minnesotans age 60 and older.
New Horizons Crisis Center
The 24-hour Crisis Line program is possible through work of our dedicated volunteers. Help make a difference!
Prairie Home Hospice & CC
One of the last good things that may happen in a person's life is a hospice volunteer - we have a spot for you!
Pride in the Tiger Foundation
We are comprised of a volunteer Board & host an annual Golf Classic & Raffle. Contact us today to learn how to get involved.
Relay for Life of Lyon County
Become an online volunteer, Ambassador, fundraise, or join a relay as a captain, participant or survivor / caregiver.
SW Minnesota Arts Council
Become a Board Member, Grant Panelist, SMAC Member or find other opportunities to get involved on our website.
SW Minnesota State University
You can become a Mustang Volunteer & commit to enhancing the campus & community relationship today!
United Community Action Partnership
Whatever your time or talent, UCAP has a volunteer activity that's right for you! We have a variety of opportunities available now.
United Way of SW Minnesota
Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community! Visit our website for a full list of opportunities.
WoMen's Rural Advocacy Program
If you're interested in sharing your talents & time, we encourage you to fill out an application on our website!
Local Committee and Board Opportunities
Please Contact Us If:
*You don't see your non-profit listed and you'd like to have a volunteer, committee or board opportunity listed.
*You need your non-profit opportunity that is listed updated.