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Workforce Development

Thank you to our Sponsors

What is BEN?

A private sector, pro-active approach to better synchronize workforce skills with the needs of the changing economy.

Our Goal

Business Education Networks, launched by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, seeks to narrow the workforce skills gap by better connecting employers with high school and college students. A key to this success in bringing together local chambers, employers, and educators to focus on a common goal of strengthening tomorrow's workforce. Because employers cannot find sufficient numbers of qualified job applicants during both good and bad economic times, this will ensure that businesses have ready access to highly skilled workers they want to employ. This will also ensure that students from all backgrounds complete degree and certificate programs in areas where they will have meaningful employments options.


Complete a profile, needs an assessment and employee incentive program


Chamber, employers and educators collaborate to strengthen tomorrow's workforce and address needs in our community


Chamber, businesses and community dedicated to attracting talent to our community

The Marshall Area Chamber is committed to serving as a connection between our area businesses and our educational facilities. Students should have access to local employers as they are our future, and we want to retain them in Marshall. BEN will serve as this connector.

Making Connections, Creating Opportunities

Ready to take your business to the next level while supporting your community?

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